If you believe you've been injured as a result of a laser hair treatment procedure you should contact a personal injury attorney who can answer your questions.

Personal Injury Attorney: FL - NY

Negligent application of a cosmetic laser hair can cause serious injury in the form of second-degree or third-degree burns and scarring. The number of laser burn injuries continues to increase across the United States as cosmetic laser hair removal grows in popularity. Unfortunately, these are avoidable injuries all too often owed to non-medical treaters who are untrained, unlicensed or improperly supervised and not doctors,

Lasers are designed to distinguish color differences as a hair follicle is darker than surrounding skin. This is why individuals with darker skin tones are at an increased risk to experience laser hair removal burn injuries than people with light skin. People with tattoo’s or certain medical conditions may also be at a heightened risk to experience burns and scarring after application of a laser.

Am I at risk for a burn from a laser hair removal procedure? | Steven C. Kletzkin, PLLC | https://www.sckpllc.com/ | Toll Free: 866-888-8153 | 845 Third Aven...

After a laser burn occurs contact a physician right away to treat your injury. Any attempt by the laser treatment facility to deny or to trivialize the injury may exacerbate the condition. Thereafter, contact a lawyer to ensure the best opportunity to protect your legal rights.

Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions


Am I at Risk for a Burn From a Laser Hair Removal Procedure?

Am I at risk for a burn from a laser hair removal procedure? | Steven C. Kletzkin, PLLC | https://www.sckpllc.com/ | Toll Free: 866-888-8153 | 845 Third Aven...

Anyone who undergoes a laser hair removal procedure is inherently at risk for a burn injury. I think it's important for every patient to understand the mechanism of treatment. And the way that laser hair treatment is performed is to direct a super heated beam of light through the hair shaft into the follicle and damage the stem cells in the follicle through introduction of heat. Once you realize that heat is the primary source of treatment it's easy to see that any of the surrounding skin can also be burned and therefore injured. If you feel you may have been injured as a result of a laser hair procedure you should contact a qualified personal injury attorney.

Can the Risk of a Laser Burn Injury be Reduced in Any Way?

Can the risk of a laser burn injury be reduced? | Steven C. Kletzkin, PLLC | https://www.sckpllc.com/ | Toll Free: 866-888-8153 | 845 Third Avenue, 6th Floor...

The risk of a laser burn injury can be greatly reduced by preparation, education, and evaluation. Preparation in the patient, there are steps that the patient, or the individual who's going to undergo the procedure can take before they present to make sure that they put themselves in the position to greatly prevent the possibility of a burn injury. Education both of the patient as well as of the individual providing the treatment is of utmost importance. Training of the practitioner on how to use the laser as well as how to evaluate the skin. From a standpoint of the individual presenting for the procedure, I think, they need to be informed. They need to be informed of the risks of the procedure, as well as clearly the benefits. Evaluation is of great importance. Everybody's skin tone fits into one of six different categories, and the higher the number that's assigned to your skin type the more of a likelihood you are to sustain a burn. If you believe you've been injured as a result of a laser hair treatment procedure you should contact a personal injury attorney who can answer your questions.

Why are People with Dark Skin More Likely to Burn During Laser Hair Removal?

Why are people with dark skin more likely to burn during laser hair removal? | Steven C. Kletzkin, PLLC | https://www.sckpllc.com/ | Toll Free: 866-888-8153 ...

The reason why people with dark skin, or ethnic skin, are more likely to sustain a burn during a laser hair procedure is because the skin itself has a higher content of melanin. Selective photo thermolysis describes the manner in which the laser works. Photo being light, and thermo being heat, describes how the laser works. Selective in this case means that the laser is trying to focus on the hair itself, so that the light beam, which focuses on the hair which has more melanin will travel through the hair shaft, and into the follicle itself. If there's more melanin in the skin surrounding the hair, the laser is more likely to get absorbed into the skin, whereby causing a burn. If you believe you may have been injured as a result of a laser hair procedure, you should contact an attorney who's qualified to represent you in that type of a claim.

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